The Minnesota Hunger Initiative (the Twin Cities Hunger Initiative until January 2015) is a group of leaders with a common mission: to increase the effectiveness of the hunger relief system throughout MN through collaboration. We’re changing our name this coming year to better encompass the statewide nature of our work.
In 2006 the Greater Twin Cities United Way convened a representative group of hunger relief agencies that worked together to develop a plan to address the problem of hunger with agreed upon strategies and measurements to track progress. This plan was introduced to the public in November 2007 and the group has worked to implement this plan since that time with increased participation and a broadening of goals and impacts.
Members of the Twin Cities Hunger Initiative include hunger relief organizations (e.g., food shelves, meal programs and food banks, advocates), University of Minnesota, state government, corporations and faith based organizations with additional corporate and other members engaged in specific efforts as partners.
the Hunger Initiative steering committee developed recommendations that included increasing enrollment of federal nutrition programs; acquiring new nutritious food, and increasing the capacity of food shelves, meal programs, nonprofit organizations and others to serve those in need throughout the state. The recommendations included a challenge to the greater community to unite in support of the goal to eliminate hunger.
Overall Goal: To reduce and ultimately eliminate hunger in our community
Goal One: To increase the amount of healthy food available for distribution in the emergency food system
Goal Two: To increase the capability and capacity of food shelves and meal programs to effectively serve their clients
Goal Three: To develop and support a robust public advocacy function that effectively serves the needs of hungry people in Minnesota
See the 2014 Twin Cities Hunger Initiative Highlights, Activities and Accomplishments.