Featured Partner: Valley Outreach

Featured Partner: Valley Outreach

Valley Outreach’s goals and objectives are to continue work in providing basic needs – food, clothing, emergency financial support and resources – to eligible St. Croix Valley residents, and to do so in a welcoming and non-judgmental manner that maintains clients’ dignity. Valley Outreach’s service delivery model in each of its programs is specifically designed to demonstrate a focus on respect, support and empowerment, as clients move towards self-sufficiency.

Valley Outreach’s programs include a food shelf, clothing closet and emergency assistance fund. Additionally, a snack pack program provides weekend meals for students on free or reduced lunch. These programs are complemented with resource referrals and advising, which guides our clients to a more sustainable level of independence and self-sufficiency.

To learn more about Valley Outreach, visit www.valleyoutreachmn.org.